Friday, July 15, 2011

Busy Day But Good

So it has been a busy day. I have upped my steps, doubled my reps on the weights. I had my meeting with the Dietitian yesterday and received a lot of helpful information. I will be sharing that in the coming weeks. I am also reading my book and hopefully will share some of that. I have to get permission from Dr. Davis first.

As you have noticed I have added advertising to the blog. The reason for this is after the weight comes off, because of my size; I will have a lot of excess skin. insurance in most cases will not pay for that so if I can make the money this way I can cover it. If I find out that there are a lot of problems with this I will simply take them off. So now comes a favor. Will those who read this blog pass it around to people you know so that I can build followers. If you have not become a follower yet please do so. If I can get enough followers I may get picked up by a Sponsor who would pay for the skin removal. I appreciate any help you can give.

I would also like to say thank you to all who read from the USA, Thailand, Canada, Kuwait, Denmark,Germany, and the United Kingdom. Brazil, and Singapore. I appreciate you taking the time to drop by. :) 

Stress Reducers:
Feeling Better
Things Coming Together
Knowing You Have Great Doctors and Staff

Words of Comfort:
Matthew 18:20  -  20 For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.

May The Lord continue to Bless you who follow His teachings.


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